Human & Environment

Campus sustainable strategic plan

    法鼓大學的環境永續政策定位: 在20世紀末,人類已經體認到賴以維生的生態環境持續惡化。唯有全球共同致力於永續發展,整合環境與發展議題,才能實現全體人類的基本需求、提昇生活水準、保護管理好生態環境、創造更安全繁榮的未來。 

    在這個背景下產生的「永續發展」概念包含了環境、經濟、與社會的永續性。聯合國世界環境與發展委員會(UNWCED)將「永續的發展」定義為「能夠滿足目前的需要,但不減損未來世代滿足他們需要的能力」。1992年的地球高峰會將這些永續性議題具體化為「二十一世紀議程(Agenda 21)」。2002年的地球高峰會再次把永續發展訂為千年發展目標(Millennium Development Goals)之一。 

    Green industry and product

      Broadly speaking, green industry can include the agriculture, industry and services. All of the techniques can prove that better than the traditional techniques in saving resources demand, energy conservation and low pollution can be called green industry/ techniques.

      Green living action / energy saving and carbon reduction workshops – inheriting the taste of traditional lives.

        Let the Participant to really understand the daily consumer behavior will make great effect on environment is the aim of this camp. Through the designed game and Interactive way to review the inflation and restriction of the consumption market, and then to consider how to approach the sustainable living.

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