- 【Event information】The life education group chanting service will be held on December 23rd (Friday) at 10 AM (former vice president prof. Aming Tu's ash burial ceremony)
- Training Course: Professional tourist for the opening Campus
- 2014.10.25、26 International Conference on Buddhist Meditative Traditions: A Comparison and Dialogue
- Fabrication or Simulation
- Change and Create
【Philosopher Café】 Topic: Belongingness and Attachment
If you want to dig out your philosopher’s soul,
If you want to let the rational light shining in your life,
If you want to join the life conversation between yourself and others,
If you hope by listening, expressing, reflecting, and communicating to proceed the life transformative learning,
Then you are our most important guests.
Is belongingness a necessary condition for sense of security?
Is there a contradictory proposition between attachment and independency?
Dilemma or Win-win situation? Thinking of away beyond.
Topic: Belongingness and Attachment
Date/Time: 2010/08/28(Sat.) 14:00-17:00
Place: 7F, 77, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei; Degui Academy
Inviter: Ku, Chung-Yu/ Assistant Professor of Life and Living School, DDU
Host: Dharma Drum University School of life and living
Sign Up: http://degui.ddc.edu.tw/degui/node/79 , Limit 20 participants