- 【Event information】The life education group chanting service will be held on December 23rd (Friday) at 10 AM (former vice president prof. Aming Tu's ash burial ceremony)
- Training Course: Professional tourist for the opening Campus
- 2014.10.25、26 International Conference on Buddhist Meditative Traditions: A Comparison and Dialogue
- Fabrication or Simulation
- Change and Create
Training Course: Professional tourist for the opening Campus
2015年四月份 校園導覽人才培訓課程
甫將啟用之「法鼓文理學院」新校區,為提供各地信眾前來之參訪服務,將於104年4~6月份舉辦「校園導覽義工實地培訓課程」,敬邀 諸位義工菩薩共同發心參與~