- 【Event information】The life education group chanting service will be held on December 23rd (Friday) at 10 AM (former vice president prof. Aming Tu's ash burial ceremony)
- Training Course: Professional tourist for the opening Campus
- 2014.10.25、26 International Conference on Buddhist Meditative Traditions: A Comparison and Dialogue
- Fabrication or Simulation
- Change and Create
Workshop on Asian Buddhist Art in Taipei, 2010
Active Name: Workshop on Asian Buddhist Art in Taipei, 2010
Topic: Story of Chinese-India Stone Buddha: Stone Buddha in Dingzhou and the Great Stupa of Shanchi
Period Time: Saturday to Monday 9:30-17:00, January 30- February 1, 2010
Location: Banciao Cultural Square, Lungshan Temple
Address: 7F., No.242, Sec. 2, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao City, Taipei County 220, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Organizer: Dharma Drum University Preparatory Office, Lungshan Temple, Chue Feng Buddhist Art & Culture Foundation
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