Life Lectures: Middle Age Rebellion

Middle Age: Is my world collapsing?

Make the most of the second half of life by turning the turbulence of a middle-age crisis into a wealth of resources for life. 

Teenage rebellion can be bold and self-assured.

But middle age rebellion may only lurk in the conflicts and introspection of the heart, and if the body suffers, does the mind suffer, too?

Entering middle age, we may encounter more demands that compromise our bodily and mental energy, bear more pressure from our family, workplace, and social expectations, and face ever-growing issues about life and death. Our Lecturer, Yang Pei, who specializes in psychology and Chan Buddhist practice, will lead attendees of the Middle Age Rebellion lecture series to explore topics such as: how to review and integrate our path and experiences from the first half of life, to understand ourselves and the world, clarify our survival strategy, and thereby create our life value.


Is my world collapsing?

Change﹘when life is turned upside-down.


Grabbing youth by the tail?

Settled Down﹘when clarity and serenity reign.


Another life rebellion?

Clarity﹘when it's time to be reconciled with the world.


The happiness of letting go?

Magnanimity﹘when it's time to learn to let go.


Is middle age the best time of life?

Integration and unity﹘a time  of abundance

Speaker : Prof. Yang Pei

Prof. Yang holds received both her Ph.D. and MA degrees in Educational Psychology and Counseling from the University of Tennessee, and a B.A. degree from the Department of Social Work at Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan. She is an associate professor of life and value at Dharma Drum College.

Time: August 6 — September 3 (every Saturday) 14:00 — 16:30, a total of five sessions.

Venue: Dharma Drum Mountain Anhe Branch Monastery (10 F, No. 29 Anhe Road Sec. 1, Taipei City  Tel: 02-2778-5007)

Sponsor: Dharma Drum Corporation and Humanity Magazine

Co-sponsor: Dharma Drum University Preparatory Office, Dharma Drum Mountain General Association of Dharma Supporters, and Dharma Drum Mountain Anhe Branch Monastery

Advanced seating is recommended, please contact us at: (02)2896-1600

Link:︱[Online Watch]︱