- 【Event information】The life education group chanting service will be held on December 23rd (Friday) at 10 AM (former vice president prof. Aming Tu's ash burial ceremony)
- Training Course: Professional tourist for the opening Campus
- 2014.10.25、26 International Conference on Buddhist Meditative Traditions: A Comparison and Dialogue
- Fabrication or Simulation
- Change and Create
20101103 Major Events
The Preparatory Office held the consensus camp of Dharma Drum University at Hotel Hanpin, Xin-zhuang. Faculty and administrative colleagues in a total of 18 participated. The first call of President Liu An-zhi presented the "Dharma Drum University, founding ideals, consensus, and vision", followed by reports of four College Program Planning, and then by the executive colleagues report of personal work. President’s presentation not only let colleagues know more about Master’s idea and expectations of DDU, but also by meetings to discuss and exchange views and build consensus.