【The Workshop of Life Story and Spiritual Healing】Topic:The process of embracing and letting go between parents and children

The Workshop of Life Story and Spiritual Healing

Topic:The process of embracing and letting go between parents and children

Date/Time: 2010/09/25(Sat.) 09:00-16:30 (six hours)

Place: 2F, 77, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei; Degui Academy

Facilitator: Guo-Ru, Yang/ Principle of Taipei Municipal Yu-Sheng Elementary School

Host: Dharma Drum University / School of life & living


The Moment a child is born, the role of Parents sustains.

Then, it’s nurture, attention, and support.  It may be endless care and concern.

Later on, a child starts to build an independent self-esteem from growing experience and self-exploration.

Between parents and children, it begins with close relationship throughout the process of embracing and letting go of each other.

Dr. Yang will use her 20 years of practical experience in education to explore your own family stories with you.  Through awareness, review and understanding, let’s try to clarify the value between you and your child together.

Fee: $600 for general public, $400 for students (I.D. required)

Note: Please bring a round cushion.  

Sign Up: http://www.ddc.edu.tw/zh-tw/node/9446 , Limit 40 participants