【The Workshop of Life Story and Spiritual Healing】Topic:Intimacy and Freedom


A better understanding of intimacy leads to mental freedom.

The need for intimacy is so profoundly embedded in human relationships.

How do you experience freedom in intimate relationships with others?

Professor Yang tries to integrate psychological knowledge and Buddhist teaching.

Through her leading, this workshop explores your new insight toward freedom among relationships.

Topic: Intimacy and Freedom

Date/Time: 2010/08/14(Sat.) 09:00-12:00,13:30-16:30

Place: 2F, 77, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei; Degui

Academy Facilitator: Pei, Yang/ Associate Professor of Life and Living School, DDU

Host: Dharma Drum University﹘School of life and living

Fee: $600 for general public, $400 for students (I.D. required)

Sign Up: http://degui.ddc.edu.tw/degui/node/78 , Limit 100 participants