【Philosopher Café】Perfection and Defect

A Harvard psychologist once said, perfectionism is the main cause of unhappiness.
But does perfection have worldwide standards?
What situation will let us feel deficient?
Have you experienced feeling deficient or regrettable as a result of pursuing perfection?

If you are willing to believe that there is a philosopher within you waiting to be discovered,
If you are willing to spend an weekend afternoon to allow your light of insight to shine in life,
If you are willing to participate and engage in a dialogue about life between you and others,
In the hope that through listening, expressing, contemplating, and communicating, the potential of transforming life will be activated.
Then you are the one whom Philosopher Cafe would most eagerly invite to participate in the event.

Topic: Perfection and Defect


Place: 77, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei; Degui Academy 10th floor

Inviter: Ku, Chung-Yu/ Assistant Professor of Life and Living School, DDU

Host: Dharma Drum University School of life and living

Online registration: http://www.ddc.edu.tw/en/registration/pf-PerfectionAndDefect