Reflection and the Introspection on Life Values

Course ID: 

Through clarification, contemplation, and awareness about the self, one gets to realize his/her cognitive patterns and problems when it comes to see the self and when s/he interacts with others. Built on top of the clear understanding about how s/he interacts with the self and others, one gets to modify and adjust his/her cognitive model, and construct a new pattern in his/her life.

Learning Objectives

Competency Attributes Description Degree of Coverage
Attitude and Orientation Self-contemplation and self-reflection ●●●●●
Exploring and constructing the meaning of life ●●●●●
Calm body and mind and actively engaging in communities ●●●●○
Empathy and equality ●●●●○
Professional Skills: Carrying out multiple projects simultaneously through integration of various ideas Creating mission and vision ●●●●●
Developing life education capabilities through various original ideas ●●●○○
Designing and executing life education programs ●●●○○
Participating in the life education practice team ●●●○○
Promoting life education concepts in the society ●●●●○
Vision: Understanding the context of globalization Understanding and practicing multiculturalism ●●●●●
Understanding the dynamic association between the development of society and life education ●●●●○
For the life-caring concepts, understanding the interaction between their localized and cross-cultural applications ●●●●○