本計劃擬仿照 1950 年代《吐魯番出土梵文寫本》(Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden, SHT)整理吐魯番梵文寫卷的形式,將最近幾年已陸續發佈的敦煌文獻影像,在經過點校後,以線上數位及印刷版本再度面世。
馬老師將探討本次工作坊所介紹的工具 Voyant Tools,在敦煌文獻使用的可能性。
◎ 演講主題:「Voyant──電子文件線上分析工具試作」
◎ 舉辦時間:103年12月15日 (星期一) 下午14:00-15:30
◎ 活動地點:教育行政大樓5樓 海會廳
◎ 主講學者:Dr. Marcus Bingenheimer 馬德偉老師
Workshop: Introduction to Using Voyant Tools
How many books do read in a week? One? Two? Perhaps two or three thousand, that is, in 30 years.
What about the other hundred million? One of the promises of digital text is that it will be possible to use larger corpora for research, by finding patterns or discrete items of information across thousands of texts. Attempt of "Distant Reading" (Moretti) are technologically mediated; besides corpora of digital text one needs software tools to analyze and vizualize them. Voyant Tools (http://voyant-tools.org/) is a free, online suite of tools that is developed to let Humanities scholars explore digital text in various ways. After a short introductory lecture on the functions of the online interface, participants can try things out. I will prepare some corpora to work on, but encourage participants to bring their own digital texts (preferable as plain text or xml).
2004 德國烏茲堡大學宗教史博士
2000.05 – 2003.05 and 2004.05 to 2005.07 中華佛學研究所 研究助理
2005.02-2005.06 玄奘大學 兼任助理教授
2005.02-2006.01 佛光文學院 兼任助理教授
2005.08- 2007.08 中華佛學研究所 Teaching and research
2007.08- 2011.01 法鼓佛教學院圖書資訊館館長,助理教授
2011.02- 2011.07 法鼓佛教學院圖書資訊館館長,副教授
2011.08- 至今 美國天普大學 助理教授